When our elders reach a certain age or status of health, a tough, but often necessary, a decision has to be made to put them into an assisted living nursing home. While we make this choice with the best intentions of our elders in mind, nursing homes aren't always...
Falls in Philadelphia Hospitals and Nursing Homes
Are Falls in Hospitals and Nursing Homes an Issue? Short answer, yes! Hospitals and nursing homes offer the medical services needed by many older adults. And they can do a fine job of providing the required care. But falls by the elderly population are a major...
Choosing the right Philadelphia Nursing home…and Lawyer
No matter how hard it is to accept, your parents will get old, and they may require some sort of help. For some, a nursing home is the only option. If you are weighing your options about providing care for your elderly parents, it's wise to educate yourself about your...