Drunk driving can ruin lives. No one is a good driver when they're drunk Choosing to drive while under the influence is one of the poorest life decisions any of us can make. Over 30% of all crashes involve an alcohol-impaired driver. These accidents lead to almost one...
Insurance Claims While Driving an Employer’s Vehicle
Over 3 million vehicles in Pennsylvania are work vehicles. We live in a mobile society where just about any goods or services imaginable can be delivered to our door. So, it is unsurprising to learn that thousands of employees work in jobs that require them to drive a...
Drowsy Driving as Bad as Drunk Driving? Philadelphia Auto Accident Lawyer Discusses
The reality is that most of us are sleep-deprived If youre like most people, you could probably use a bit more shut-eye at night. The reality is that most of us are sleep-deprived. The demands of work, family, and other responsibilities mean that few Americans get...
Benefits and Risks of Driving for Work Later in Life
Older Drivers present benefits and Risks The AARP recently released a comprehensive report that makes a strong case for the value of hiring workers in the age 50+ category. The report details this segment of the population's increasing willingness to work and...
Self-Driving Cars From a Lawyers Perspective: New Hopes and New Fears
The word automobile means "self-mover" when you break it down into its Greek roots. In some ways, the notion of a driverless vehicle brings the car industry even closer to the actual meaning of the product it has been producing throughout the last century. The shift...
Animals: Another Cause of Distracted Driving
What is distracting driving? Distractions have always been a huge issue for drivers. Whether you take your pet with you on a trip or it's a wild animal crossing the road, when you take your attention off the road for a second, you can get in a serious accident....